The spider, among other predator species that is fairly successful in the animal kingdom, this is possible with the power and versatile skills they have. Their feet are designed to be through any terrain, their fangs like a corrosive poison, and they can issue an adhesive substance that is even 25 times stronger than steel. Perhaps you will think that spiders do not need other things to live with what they already have, but the spider shows other unusual specialties. Here are 7 Ability Owned Super Spider, namely:
1. Ant mimicry

Interestingly enough, there are hundreds of species of spiders (Most are from the jumping spiders) are very similar to the ants. Yes, it is a spider in the picture above. Some arachnids use this disguise to hunt insects that are not afraid of ants, or to protect themselves from predators predatory spiders. Others, of course, ants may prey on itself, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
2. King of Camouflage

Some species can make the net-like silk, and all the prey can be stored with a bandage like a mummy in a long time. Color similar nets camouflage colors they create another for the spiders. It is useful to confuse predators such as dragonflies fly, robber flies or small birds that may try to dive for tasty prey spider from its nest.
3. Fake Poo

Celaenia excavata is a spider who disguises himself as a lump of bird droppings, and this is certainly the most convincing disguise. Not only is the spider's body colored exactly like bird droppings (complete with spot-like seed), but he also like sitting on a "splatter" a very convincing is made of silk itself. It's the perfect camouflage for the spider, because it's very unappetizing for other predatory spiders but looks tempting for a fly.
4. Super Colonies Nets

Most spiders are solitary aggressive, threatening other animals of their own species even if they try to grab food in the area. But some species, very social and can build empire spider extraordinary, complex web of systems with thousands of other spiders. One of these spiders are Eduador's Theridion nigroannulatum, spiders in large groups, hanging hundreds of strands of silk to the ground. And if you stop by and large insects caught in their huge nests, hundreds or even thousands of spiders will stand shoulder to shoulder wrap it and paralyze it to be stored as reserve food joint.
5. Spider Airmen

Spiders newly hatched and small can travel hundreds or even thousands of miles in a term commonly called 'ballooning'. Spider webs special called "Gossamer" are designed to be easily fly by the wind, a triangular pyramid, these nets can be many weeks are in the air allowing the spider to explore other islands that separate the sea or ocean.
6. Mini Hand Nets

Species of spiders "Faced Ogre" or "net casting" is the spider that produces Deinopidae, by hanging him upside down to make small webs between the two front legs reaching for their use or reap other insects passing by. This special silk clean and not sticky, but once the prey tried to escape, the net direct and joint hair trap insects such as Velcro, allowing the spider to trap insects big enough and strong with only a small amount of silk.
7. Interest Trap

Many spiders that are in the gardens make a thin nest with different patterns, the purpose of this has long been controversial. Now we know that this is a special nets are reflective of the ultra-violet rays which creates specific patterns used by flowers to attract insect pollinators.
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