If you often feel as a person who wasn't lucky, that could be happened because you created it. Try to look at the causes of the unlucky 10 things below, if in fact you make these mistakes below, then it is proper thoughts and beliefs you need to be changed again.

1. Have no sense of humor -If you're the type of people who respond to all things seriously, then you get this first list. Begin to learn to laugh. Laughter is the most potent drug in all respects. If you can not make the problems that you face as a joke, even otherwise complain at length about the issue, could be a problem is actually not as bad as you think. Once you prove it, then the lifetime of all the problems not as bad as you think.
2. Blaming the Other -Why are you so easily broken? Not to say someone else is innocent, but as she pointed at it, you end up changing your own money. Once again, quit feeling sorry for yourself and stop complaining. If the business you do not bring the expected results, then do different things. So different people occasionally, it could be good for your self. Remember, start with a stop complaining, and make peace with any situation you face.
3. Not Happy With Yourself When Watching in the Glass -Why are buses that? With standard who you compare yourself? Your own or someone else? True, you can find something in yourself that makes you happy, or make changes. Do both if you want. No one in this world that can stop you thinking that you're attractive.
4. Have No Expectations Or Stuck -No one can make you feel better than yourself. You can not expect the world changes for you before you change diri.siteunik.com
5. Acting More Than Ability -This action makes you so dull, and in particular does not mean 'All work and no play.'
6. Excessive worry -The more you worry, the less confidence you that everything will go well. How can you expect a place in life if you do not have faith or confidence? Let it flow all. Relax.
7. Luck of the Iri With Others -Whenever you hear someone else got luck you always say, 'That man makes me very upset!' Maybe if you be happy with the fortune of others, then the same luck could rub off on you.
8. Blaming God -Sometimes you think how much God is not fair on you. Maybe you should start now to learn gratitude and then good things will come to replace the bad things. You can start by thanking awake and doing well in the morning.
9. Not Appreciate The Things That You Have Both -For example, you'd never be grateful if you could still get up this morning and see the sunshine? Is that correct? From now on, you can calculate the good that you have in the life of the little things that you have.
10. Continuous complain -Actually, one thing will actually complain more of other things you are complaining. And certainly all the people get annoyed with people who like to complain.
How do you think? If it is true of the 10 things on there yourself. Trying to do change, and the misfortune it would only stay in the shadows.
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