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Hello Guys..!! This is my blog. I've made it on October, 13 2011. I don't know what i should write in my blog, but i will try to do the best. I think I will write anything, maybe my stories, experiences, or my knowledge. The name of this blog is "Nothing to Describe". Why? Because I think there is nothing descriptions about my blog. If you want to know about my blog, you may read my articles. The url of this blog is bit-thing because my blog just contains a little bit of articles if you compared with much articles on internet. I think that's all about my blog that you need to know. Hope you like it :)


Saturday, March 17

Dampak Positif dan Negatif Game bagi Anak Sekolah

Semua pasti sudah tahu kn sama kata "game"..? ya, game itu diciptakan sebagai sarana untuk bersenang-senang, alias media hiburan. Namun, tak sedikit orang yang stress karena game tersebut. Seperti hidup kita, dalam game, tidak selamanya kita "menang" dan tidak selamanya juga kita "kalah". Semua harus balance meskipun hanya dalam game. Sebenernya game itu nggak buruk kok....